
positive airway pressure中文是什么意思

  • 正压通气



  • 例句与用法
  • Nocturnal use of a positive airway pressure ventilator was still needed 3 months after discharge
  • The risk was greater when high flow oxygen therapy and positive airway pressure ventilation was used
  • Investigation of nasal continuous positive airway pressure and surfactant on preterm infants with hyanline menbrane disease
  • This may , in part , result from the inability of continuous positive airway pressure to modulate leptin and / or adiponectin levels in the latter patients
  • New york ( reuters health ) - the results of a preliminary study suggest that memory deficits that are common among people with sleep apnea can improve when they are treated with positive airway pressure
  • The study has also found that platelet activation can be reduced by nasal continuous positive airway pressure ( cpap ) treatment . although the major indication of cpap treatment is to relieve symptoms such as disabling daytime sleepiness , the reduction in platelet activation should be regarded as a bonus benefit especially with the growing evidence of cardiovascular consequences related to osa . it is important to treat symptomatic patients with osa early , with the potential advantage of preventing cardiovascular complications such as stroke
    该研究同时指出,使用鼻腔式正气压治疗( continuouspositiveairwaypressure , cpap ) ,能有效减低血小板的活跃度, cpap经已获证能纾缓阻塞性睡眠窒息症的病情,例如减少日间渴睡的情况;长远来说,可以预防和减低患上阻塞性睡眠窒息症出现心血管并发症的风险。
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positive airway pressure的中文翻译,positive airway pressure是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译positive airway pressure,positive airway pressure的中文意思,positive airway pressure的中文positive airway pressure in Chinesepositive airway pressure的中文positive airway pressure怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。